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Sport Award/GCSE PE

Member of Staff Responsible: Mr R. Williams

Sport Award/GCSE PE


To be confirmed - Cambridge National in Sports Science or GCSE PE

Both courses worth exactly the same number of points to colleges. Staff will initially baseline students to see which is the most appropriate course for learning style and take student preference into account.

Both courses include:

Theory work - including coursework and exams. (GCSE 60% final exam/CN Sports Science 40% exam)

Coursework – showing understanding of training (GCSE 10% coursework/CN Sports Science 60% coursework)

3 lessons per week – 2 theory and 1 practical

Theory – covers Human Biology, Psychology Physical Fitness, Training for Sport, Nutrition and Safety in Sport. Homework and revision tasks will be given every week. Students will be expected to maintain a quality workbook and complete all tasks on time.

Students must consider that theory work makes up a good proportion of the course and it is not just a practical course. Students will be expected to work produce a high standard of written work and revision throughout the course.  Students will need a keen interest and understanding of sport. This may include rules, regulations and tactics.

Practical Lessons – Lessons run in blocks of approximately 6-8 lessons, Students cover 10-12 sports over the course. These include Hockey, Handball, Netball, Football, Basketball, Rugby League, Badminton, Athletics, Table Tennis, Trampolining. On the Cambridge National Course students will also use practical lessons to develop understanding of health, fitness and training. Practical lessons supplement the theory work being studied.

As Students also have a core PE lesson every week it is expected that they will use this to be assessed for practical activities that they may offer for the exam.

Students need to be able to play a number sport to a good standard by the end of the course. Attendance at school clubs is vital to improve grades. It is also vital that candidates are playing sport out of school time to improve performance.

GCSE candidates would need 3 sports played regularly to a good standard (worth 30% of final grade – 10% per sport. These must be a combination of team and individual sports).


Written Coursework – written coursework will be required on all possible courses. It is vital that student complete coursework on time and to a high standard. Students will be given the opportunity to redraft work and should ensure that the maximise marks by doing this.


Homework is set after every theory lesson (every week)

Should students / parents require further guidance on the Sport Award it is advised that they see PE staff.

Table giving more info about Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Biology Chemistry Physics: more information
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