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Core Curriculum: English and English Literature GCSEs

Members of Staff Responsible: Mr J Thirlby, Mrs K Bradshaw

Core Curriculum: English and English Literature GCSEs


GCSE Board – AQA

English Language

Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing (50%)

Paper 2: Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives   (50%)

English Literature

Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th-century  novel (50%)

Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry (50%)


Students will be able to:

  • talk and listen in a variety of contexts and for a range of purposes

  • read a variety of literature, non-fiction and media and develop their understanding of different genres and styles

  • write for a range of purposes and in a variety of forms

  • appreciate the way authors achieve their effects

  • be aware of social, historical and cultural contexts of literature


Students will study a selection of texts and extracts, including:

· Macbeth by William Shakespeare

· The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by R. L. Stevenson

· Blood Brothers by Willy Russell

· A range of poetry from the AQA Anthology (Love & Relationships)

· A range of fiction and non-fiction texts


Students will sit four examinations in the summer of Year 11, totalling 7.5 hours.

They will complete a Spoken Language assessment during the final year of the course.


Year 10 and Year 11 students receive homework once a week. It may consist of written work, reading, independent learning, revision or internet-based research.

Homework is available for students to access using the school’s Synergy application.

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