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At Byrchall High School outstanding attendance and punctuality is our aim for every student. Full attendance maximises learning opportunities and parents/carers have a vital role in promoting good attitudes towards attendance. We ask for support from parents/carers to ensure that their children are present at every opportunity, to arrive on time and to avoid allowing children to stay at home unnecessarily, or taking them out of school without authorisation. Evidence shows that students who attend school regularly make better progress both academically and socially.  Therefore we monitor and review the attendance of all pupils constantly.

Research shows there is a link between the amount of time a student takes off school, and how well they do in their exams. This is why we have a minimum attendance target of 97%+ for each student. Every lesson counts and it is this commitment to learning that will have a positive effect on student’s examinations and their futures.

Each year there are 190 school days which leaves 175 days for holidays, shopping, birthday treats and non-urgent medical and dental appointments. Therefore, the school will not authorise absence for these reasons.

The picture below highlights the link between attendance and days lost. 

Table showing attendance and days lost at Byrchall High School

We appreciate that children are unwell from time to time and that there can be exceptional circumstances for absences, but we ask that you think carefully about keeping your child out of school. There is a strong connection between good attendance and achievement at school. Absence is proven to have a significant negative impact upon a child’s educational attainment. In addition, regular school attendance keeps children safe. Evidence shows that pupils who truant are more likely to be involved in crime and anti-social activity.

Poor school attendance is at least 10 sessions (5 school days) lost to unauthorised absence. Unauthorised absence is when no valid, reason has been provided to the school by the parent/carer for the absence. We closely monitor attendance and proactively support families to improve attendance. An Education Penalty Notice may be issued for 10 consecutive sessions of unauthorised absence.


Pupils need to be in school no later than 8.25am for 8.30am registration. Pupils who are late to school will receive a sanction.  An automated text/call is sent home if a child is late to school.  Please discuss the importance of good punctuality to school. If your child arrives after registers close at 9am this will result in a U registration mark and this counts as a missed session so will impact your child’s attendance.

Table showing minutes lost per day and learning time lost in a year at Byrchall High School

On the rare occasion your child needs to be off school due to illness or any other appropriate reason it is the parent/carers responsibility to contact the school office on  01942 728 221 on the first day of absence and each day thereafter. You can also report an absence using the School Synergy app. 


Failure to contact school will result in fist day absence telephone contact or possible home visit by a member of the attendance team.  


Holidays are not authorised by the school unless it is classed as exceptional circumstances. If exceptional circumstances apply to you please write to the headteacher, Mr A Birchall.  A leave of absence request letter is below, alternatively, you can collect one from reception or student enquiries. An Education Penalty Notice may be issued if you take your child/ren on holiday when it has not been authorised. 

Attendance Rewards and Initiatives 

Pupils who achieve good attendance/punctuality will receive a variety of rewards. These include reward points, certificates, entry into raffles and pupil bonuses.  Rewards are also given to pupils who have improved their attendance/punctuality.

Attendance Policy

  • Read Byrchall High School's Attendance Policy here.

More Useful Documents:

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